Why C.A.R.E.?

Hello, I am glad you are here. C.A.R.E is the culmination of the collective process that was born in my heart in 2019 after decades of wading through the waters of trying to understand how to allow myself to take care of myself in the midst of caring for the ones I love.

Baking and cooking for my family’s daily needs as well as creating heartfelt gatherings for them and others is a source of joy for me. However, In 2019 I had a “doing vs being” imbalance that showed up in my personal life that was a crippling spiral that left me with little to no creative light or joy for even the smallest day-to-day activities. I had no choice but to sit with my reality that I could not "DO” my way of this collective crash happening within me.

For a few years, I have been surrounded by C.A.R.E.

Connection to safe people who love me in the good and the very bad, Awareness of my unique needs for physical, mental, and emotional without judgment or shame, Resilience to do the next thing, and Empowerment to celebrate the beauty of who I am not just what I can accomplish.

My Why

Baked With Care started as a personal space for me to see Connection, Awareness, Resilience & Empowerment come to life through the creative outlet of baking, decorating, and sharing my cookies with those around me.

Something unexpected started to happen in my life as I started baking/decorating cookies. This creative outlet was more than a cookie…it was an experience. An experience that is bringing some of the balance of C.A.R.E into my life in healthy ways.

It is my hope that this will be a space where you feel welcome to explore what C.A.R.E may look like for you. Whether it’s through the lens of enjoying looking at cookie designs, requesting decorated cookies for people you love, participating in a Baked With C.A.R.E Cookie Experience or connecting with me through my monthly C.A.R.E Corner newsletter creative cookie options ….you are welcome here!